Best Engineering Courses in Bangalore


Established in 2000, the CMR Institute of Technology imparts quality, pragmatic education in engineering and management to help students hone their analytical abilities and develop their creative thinking skills. CMRIT meets the rapidly growing need for technology professionals by nurturing young minds in an innovative and progressive learning environment. Situated in the very heart of South India’s IT corridor, the CMRIT campus in Whitefield, Bangalore is centrally located, well connected and easily accessible.

At CMRIT, we are dedicated to holding aloft the flame of Sri Chikka Muniyappa Reddy’s dreams. Towards this end, we are committed to promoting technical education as a catalyst to the growth and development of the country and society at large. With world-class infrastructure and experienced faculty, CMR Institute of Technology is the preferred destination for technocrats and managers who wish to shape the future.


To be a nationally acclaimed and globally recognised institute of engineering, technology and management, producing competent professionals with appropriate attributes to serve the cause of the nation and of society at large.


CMRIT seeks to realise its Vision with a Mission to:
  • Create the necessary infrastructure appropriate to the needs of the programmes and activities of the institution.
  • Attract and retain well-qualified faculty and supporting staff.
  • Create and facilitate an ambience for interdisciplinary engagement, leading to a healthy competition among students and staff, in pursuit of excellence through lifelong learning.
  • Develop and operate mutually-beneficial programmes, partnering with industries, institutes and individuals of national and international repute.
  • Create mechanisms to understand societal needs and provide solutions for the betterment of society.

Accreditation and Ranking


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Functions of Governing Council


  1. Adopting the fees and other charges payable by the student of the college as fixed by the Government/University in this regard from time to time.
  2. Accepting endowments, institute scholarships, fellowships, studentships, medals prizes and certificates on the recommendation of the Academic Council.
  3. Approving the starting of new programmes of study with the concurrence of the
    University, leading to all the courses running in our institution.
  4. Lay down services conditions and emoluments as per the Council norms, allowances for teaching and non-teaching staff in the college, consistent with the University Status/ Ordinances / Regulations/ Rules/ Guidelines and other State Government Provisions.
  5. Lay down the procedure for selection recruitment of teaching, non teaching staff and for appointing them in the college, consistent with the University Statutes / Ordinances / Regulations/ Rules/ Guidelines and other State Government Provisions.
  6. Regulating and enforcing discipline among the members of teaching and non-teaching staff in accordance with the Rules/ Procedures/ Guidelines laid down in this regard.
  7. Investing funds belonging to the college in approval securities, as it shall, from time to time, think fit or in the purchase of immovable property.
  8. Transferring or accepting transfer of any movable or immovable property to the college.
  9. Entertaining, adjudicating upon and if thought fit, constitute a Committee to advise and/or recommend method to redress the grievances of staff members of the college.
  10. Delegating administrative, managerial and financial powers to the Principal and other functionaries in the College for its smooth functioning
  11. Approving the Annual Budget of the college.
  12. Performing such other functions & constitute Committee, as may be necessary and deemed fit for the proper development and fulfill the objectives for which the college was established.


TOP IICs (2020-21)


NBA re-accredited (ME, CV, ISE)


NBA Re-Accredited (CSE/ECE/EEE)


NAAC Certificate


ARIIA certification 2021


NIRF Ranking 2022



Established in 2000, the CMR Institute of Technology imparts quality, pragmatic education in engineering and management to help students hone their analytical abilities and develop their creative thinking skills. CMRIT meets the rapidly growing need for technology professionals by nurturing young minds in an innovative and progressive learning environment. Situated in the very heart of South India’s IT corridor, the CMRIT campus in Whitefield, Bangalore is centrally located, well connected and easily accessible.

At CMRIT, we are dedicated to holding aloft the flame of Sri Chikka Muniyappa Reddy’s dreams. Towards this end, we are committed to promoting technical education as a catalyst to the growth and development of the country and society at large. With world-class infrastructure and experienced faculty, CMR Institute of Technology is the preferred destination for technocrats and managers who wish to shape the future.

NAAC Self Study Report

Volume 1

Volume 2