Ph.D | Computer Applications

Ph.D | Computer Applications

Eligibility Criteria

Program Type

Full-time / Part-time

Eligibility Criteria

  • The minimum academic qualifications to be satisfied by the candidates seeking admission to the Ph. D Programme, shall be as given below:
  • The candidates shall possess MBA Degree recognized by the University, with a minimum CGPA of 6.75 out of 10 or 60% aggregate marks at the Master’s Degree.
  • There shall be provision for the following categories of candidates for admission to Ph. D.:
  • Full-Time: Candidates who shall pursue Ph.D. research on full time basis, either as regular, QIP/FIP scholars or those belonging to M.Sc.(Engg.) by research + Ph. D or M.E./M. Tech./M. Arch. + Ph, D Dual Degree categories.
  • Part-Time: In-service candidates having a minimum professional experience of one year after his/her UG Degree from among faculty members working in any Engineering College / Polytechnic / University / Deemed to be University (recognized / accredited by appropriate bodies in India) or research staff of public / private organizations who shall pursue Ph.D. research on part time basis.

Entrance Exam – ULRA Test is the University Level Research Aptitude Test conducted by the University to prepare the merit list of candidates for admission to the Ph.D. programme. ULRAT will be conducted for a total of 100 Marks consisting of objective type questions.

List of successful candidates in ULRAT will be displayed on the website with instructions to prepare for the Pre-Registration interview.

Intake: Number of Candidates per Research Supervisor

The following norms / procedure shall be strictly adhered to while assigning the Research Supervisors to the candidates admitted at a Research Centre. Any violation of these norms/ procedures shall result in the University taking serious steps like de-recognition of the Research

Centre or the Research Supervisor.

  • Each Research Supervisor shall supervise not more than eight candidates at a time including the candidates who have registered for Ph.D. degree at other Universities (acceptance for supervision of Ph. D students at other Universities shall be with the written permission of the University). Out of these candidates, five may be from the General Pool and the remaining three candidates shall be reserved for categories, such as SC / ST / Category-I/ Physically challenged.
  • The seats reserved for SC / ST / Category-I / Physically challenged candidates shall be mutually interchangeable, but not transferrable to the General Pool.
  • The students who have completed the final Viva-Voce shall not be considered while counting the number of candidates assigned to a Research Supervisor.
  • A Research Supervisor shall not be assigned more than two newly admitted candidates during an academic year.

Evaluation Criteria

  • PhD. programme of a candidate shall consist of three parts in sequence, namely, Part-I: Coursework, Part–II:
  • Comprehensive Vice Voce, and Part-III: Synopsis Submission followed by Thesis Submission and successful defense.
  • A candidate shall be free to apply for a change in the Research topic / Coursework for the consideration of the Doctoral Committee before the completion of Part-I. But, the candidate shall not be permitted to change the Research topic after the completion of Part-I.
  • All the Ph.D. registrations shall be provisional initially and they shall be confirmed only on the successful completion of both Part-I and Part-II.

Proposing Coursework

The written examinations for the Coursework shall be conducted normally along with the PG Examinations of the University. The candidates shall be permitted to apply and appear for one or more courses at a time in a given examination.

For each candidate of the M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research + Ph. D Integrated Dual Degree programme in the Faculty of Engineering, the Research Supervisor(s) shall propose four courses out of those listed by the University for Part-I relating to the area of research proposed by the candidate, along with his/her application for registration.

The candidates with M.Sc. + M. Phil. qualifications registered in the Faculty of Science shall study four courses proposed by the Research Supervisor(s) out of those listed by the University for Part-I relating to the area of research proposed by the candidate, along with his/her application for registration and approval by the Doctoral Committee.

The candidates with only M.Sc. qualification registered in the Faculty of Science shall study six courses proposed by the Research Supervisor(s) out of those listed by the University 1 for Part-I relating to the area of research proposed by the candidate, along with his/her application for registration.

In addition to the above specified Coursework, all the candidates (including those of the M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch. + Ph.D Integrated Dual Degree programmes) shall undertake a course on Research Methodology prescribed by the University, which shall include quantitative methods and computer applications. The Coursework shall be in the English language.

Coursework Approval

Instructions: 100 words max / add or update / or approve existing

The Doctoral Committee shall scrutinize and approve the courses proposed by the Research Supervisor(s) in each case, with or without modification.

In order to pass the coursework (Part I), the candidate shall obtain a minimum of 50% of the marks allotted to each Course in the University Examination.

Letter Grades shall be awarded to the candidates declared successful in each course as follows:

  • 90-100 Marks: S Grade (Outstanding)
  • 75-89 Marks: A Grade (Excellent)
  • 60-74 Marks: B Grade (Good)
  • 50-59 Marks: C Grade (Satisfactory)
  • < 50 Marks: F Grade (Fail)

The University shall have the provision to issue Grade Card(s) to the candidates for the Coursework.

Norms for Maintaining Provisional Registration

The following norms/standards shall be applicable to all the candidates for maintaining their provisional registration:

  • Each individual course to be successfully cleared in a maximum of two attempts;
  • The entire coursework (Part-I) must be completed within two semesters from the date of provisional registration by Master’s Degree holders;
  • Candidates with Bachelor’s Degree to complete the entire Coursework (Part-I) within three semesters from the date of provisional registration;
  • Candidates upgraded to the M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research + Ph.D. Integrated Dual Degree to complete the entire coursework within two semesters from the date of provisional registration;
  • Grace period of one more semester possible for all the candidates under extraordinary circumstances, based on the University receiving the candidate’s request supported by the recommendations of the Doctoral Committee;
  • Candidates failing to fulfill the above requirements liable to get their provisional registration automatically cancelled; such candidates to be free to apply for provisional registration for Ph. D.

Minimum Period for Submission of Thesis by Full-Time Students

Full-Time candidates for the Ph. D Degree including those upgraded to the M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research + Ph.D. and M.E./ M. Tech./M. Arch. + Ph.D. Integrated Dual Degree programmes, shall be normally eligible for submission of the thesis after a minimum period of three years from the date of provisional registration, subject to fulfillment of all the prescribed requirements. But, in exceptional cases having outstanding research contributions to be substantiated in writing by the Doctoral Committee, it shall be possible for a Full- Time Candidate to submit the Thesis in less than three years.

Maximum Period for Submission of Thesis by Full-Time Students
The maximum period for submission of the Ph.D. thesis by Full-Time candidates including those upgraded to the M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research + Ph.D. and M.E./M. Tech./M. Arch. + Ph.D. Integrated Dual Degree programmes, shall be five years from the date of provisional registration. But, the Vice Chancellor shall have the powers to extend the maximum period for submission of the Ph.D. thesis by such a candidate by one year on the specific recommendations of the Doctoral Committee forwarded through the Research Centre on receipt of a request for extension from the candidate not less than six months prior to the completion of the stipulated period.
The decision of the Vice Chancellor in this regard shall be final. In the case of failure of the candidate to submit the thesis even after the extended period, the registration shall be cancelled, after issuing a show-cause notice to the candidate.

Minimum Period for Submission of Thesis by Part-time Students
Part-time candidates for the Ph. D Degree shall be normally eligible for submission of the Thesis after a minimum period of four years from the date of provisional registration, subject to fulfillment of all the prescribed requirements. But, in exceptional cases having outstanding research contributions to be substantiated in writing by the Doctoral Committee, it shall be possible for a Part – time Candidate to submit the thesis in less than four years.

Maximum Period for Submission of Thesis by Part-time Students
The maximum period for submission of the thesis for Part-time candidates shall be six years. But, the Vice Chancellor shall have the powers to extend the maximum period for submission of the thesis by such a candidate by one year on the specific recommendations of the Doctoral Committee forwarded through the Research Centre on receipt of a request for extension from the candidate not less than six months prior to the completion of the stipulated period. The decision of the Vice Chancellor in this regard shall be final. In the case of failure of the candidate to submit the thesis even after the extended period, the registration shall be cancelled, after issuing a show-cause notice to the candidate.

VTU Ph.D. Research Supervisors

  1. Dr. Ilango V
  2. Dr. Vakula Rani J
  3. Dr. Helen Josephine
  4. Dr. Chinnayan R
  5. Dr. Gnaneswari G