Material Testing Lab
The objective of Material Testing laboratory is to develop a sound understanding of mechanical & physical properties along with behavioral pattern of different construction materials. Emphasis is also given to correlate and infer the results in terms of standard values as defined under relevant code of practices. This helps the student in selecting the right material for their intended use as well as to ascertain their suitability as a construction material. The laboratory is currently located in an area of 92 Square meters and well equipped with semi-automated equipments such as Universal Testing Machine (60T), Compression Testing Machine(40T), Hardness Testing Machine (Brinell’s ,Vicker’s & Rockwell’s), Impact Testing and Torsion testing machines and many more. The lab is handled by dedicated and highly qualified and experienced staff.
Geology Lab
In this lab, students will study about physical properties of rocks and minerals which are essential for Civil Engineers in field of construction. Study of Geological maps is essential for interpretation and selection the sites for various Civil Engineering structures. Calculating dip and strike of a rock strata helps in determining the Geological formation of a construction site.
Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machinery Lab
The Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines Laboratory of our Institute is a well – equipped laboratory with instruments pertaining to flow measurement. The instruments can be broadly classified as Pipe Flow instruments, Open Channel Flow instruments and Hydraulic Machines. The practical applications of principles of fluid mechanics and hydraulics are experimented and calibrated with emphasis to build basic concepts along with analytical and problem solving skills. Some of the major equipments include Pelton Wheel Turbine, Kaplan Turbine, Francis Turbine, Centrifugal Pump and Tilting Flume.
Computer Aided Design Laboratory (CAD LAB)
The Computer Aided Design Lab (CAD) of the department is well-equipped with state of the art facilities for the benefit of the civil engineering students. High end terminals supported by latest hardware and software, latest visual aids, plotting devices, etc. are the salient features of this laboratory. Advanced civil engineering software’s such as STAAD PRO V8i, QGIS, AUTO CAD 2019 are procured to make students globally competitive and industry ready. This lab facility will be extensively used by undergraduate students for building planning and drawing as well as for structural detailing. This laboratory is extremely resourceful for making contour maps and for making CAD drawings of different projects.
Geo technical Lab
The Department of Civil Engineering is equipped with a full-fledged Geotechnical lab that facilitates students to evaluate engineering properties of soils together with analyzing and interpreting the experimental data as per course curriculum. The different equipment’s of the laboratory include Infrared moisture meter, Odometer Test Apparatus, Compression Testing Machine, Direct Shear and Triaxial Test Setup, Vane Shear Equipment, Permeability Test Setup, Hydrometer, Motorized Casagrande’s apparatus and CBR Testing Machine. Students are exposed to In-situ bearing capacity measurement techniques like Standard penetration Test and Cone Penetration Tests that are also extensively used for all Departmental consultancy projects.
Environmental Engineering Lab
The Environmental Engineering Laboratory deals with air, water and wastewater quality analysis. The testing is conducted by spectrophotometric and titrimetric methods as per Indian standards. The laboratory has sophisticated equipment’s like UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Spectrophotometer, BOD incubator, COD digester and Turbidity meter for accurate analysis of physical and chemical parameters in water and waste water. The laboratory is also equipped with instruments like Personal sampler and handy sampler for indoor and outdoor measurements of particulate and gaseous air pollutants. Students will be able to link these concepts with their knowledge from core courses in Environmental Engineering and Basic Sciences. The laboratory is used for both academic course and research that provides students and faculty with hands-on experience in quality analysis of air and water.
Surveying Lab
Surveying is one of the thrust areas of civil engineering which involves taking linear and angular measurements. This lab helps in preparing a plan or map of the area with all topographical details before starting with any construction. The surveying laboratory is fully equipped with both conventional and advanced surveying instruments such as Auto-level, Theodolite, Compass, Total station and Digital Planimeter. The laboratory is handled by well qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty. Students learn techniques for gathering field data with both traditional and modern instruments.
Concrete and Highway Materials Lab
Concrete and Highway Materials Laboratory is one of the sophisticated labs of the Institute. The laboratory offers technical services for testing, research and consultancy. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) equipments such as Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), Rebound Hammer (RH), Destructive Testing equipments such as Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) machine, Compression Testing Machine (CTM), California Bearing Ratio (CBR), etc; together with Highway Testing materials, fundamental concrete making materials such as Cement, Sand and Aggregates along with other major equipments are available in the laboratory for consistent and accurate testing.
Extensive Survey Lab
This laboratory integrates the principles of surveying and CAD drawing to solve real time projects. In the initial phases of this lab, students visits a village and estimates different parameters viz., population, plumbing facilities, storage basins and the road networks to different activity centres. Based on the needs of the future needs of the village, students design bunds for water storage, prepare village plan, design water supply network & treatment plants and propose new network of roads or redesign the existing ones. As and when the students visit the village, they use different survey instruments like Total Station, Theodolite, Plane Table, Ghat Tracer, Autolevelsetc for data collection. Over the semester, the students make contour maps and prepare CAD drawings on the different proposed facilities. This laboratory boost the confidence of the budding civil engineers and enables them to take up similar projects in the future.
CMR Institute of Technology
132 AECS Layout
ITPL Main Road, Kundalahalli Bangalore 560037, India
T: +91 80 28524466 / 77